Working Papers

RBA Governor-Designate Glenn Stevens

Stephen Gordon’s recollection of RBA Governor-designate Glenn Stevens:

We both did our MA at the University of Western Ontario during the academic year 1984-85. I’m pretty sure that Glenn Stevens was the best student of our cohort (I think I was second), and I remember him telling me that UWO tried very hard to persuade him to stay on to do a PhD. He thought that it would be a waste of time, since he wasn’t interested in academia. Thinking of the Bank of Canada - where it’s well-nigh impossible to go very far without a doctorate - I asked him if he was worried about limiting his options. He didn’t think he was - and it turns out the he was right.

In his picture, he has much less hair than I remember. But then again, so do I.

Good on you, Glenn; I wish you well from the other side of the world.

Another profile of Glenn Stevens here.


posted on 02 August 2006 by skirchner in Economics

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