Working Papers

Op-eds - 2013

‘We must fortify fiscal rules’, The Canberra Times, 16 December 2013.

‘We are still stuck in the pre-1983 era on fiscal policy’, The Australian Financial Review, 9 December 2013.

‘When regulation becomes political interference’, The Australian Financial Review, 3 December 2013.

‘Reforming the regulation of foreign direct investment’, Infinance (FINSIA), December 2013.

‘Credit controls won’t fix housing’, The Australian Financial Review, 3 October 2012.

‘A dollar of super is not a dollar saved’, Business Spectator, 25 September 2013.

‘Seizing a Sino free trade moment’, Business Spectator, 16 July 2013.

‘Why tax-free imports are a retail red herring’, Business Spectator, 24 June 2013.

‘Stamp out the anti-dumping dinosaur laws,’ Business Spectator, 5 June 2013.

‘Why a forex foray could burn the Reserve’, Business Spectator, 18 April 2013.

‘Increasing the super contribution rate is a second-rate solution’, The Conversation, 8 January 2013.

posted on 08 January 2013 by skirchner

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