Any views on these yourself, Stephen? I think (9) is most vulnerable if there is a reemergence of credit concerns. Re (10), a 20% +/- range on the S&P500;is quite wide (from 892 to 1338) but based on everything I’ve read and heard, we are more likely to see the former before the latter.
Any views on these yourself, Stephen? I think (9) is most vulnerable if there is a reemergence of credit concerns. Re (10), a 20% +/- range on the S&P500;is quite wide (from 892 to 1338) but based on everything I’ve read and heard, we are more likely to see the former before the latter.
Posted by Sleetmute on 01/08 at 07:59 PM
My only serious quibble would be with non-prediction #6.
Posted by skirchner on 01/09 at 01:46 PM