A Little Christmas ‘Bubble’
As usual, blogging will be light at best over the Christmas-New Year period. Thanks to IE readers, tipsters and advertisers for their support throughout the year. Hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it.
Having spent much the last 12 months rubbishing the notion of ‘bubbles’ in asset prices, I should draw readers’ attention to a bit of asset price inflation in which you are all implicated. Here is the Institutional Economics stock price at Blogshares since April this year:

It’s all due to fundamentals! Back in January for another year defending capitalist acts between consenting adults against fever-swamp Austrians, Roubini-Setser doomsday cultists, the AEI’s resident evils, and Economist leader writers.
posted on 23 December 2005 by skirchner
in Misc
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My warmest congratulations on a superb season of blogging. This is one bubble that I am prepared to go long on.
Posted by Jack Strocchi on 01/02 at 11:54 PM