Working Papers

Op-eds - 2020

‘Australia must avoid America’s demographic stagnation’, The Mandarin, 23 November 2020.

‘The US has turned its back on skilled migrants, giving Australia an opening’, The Conversation, 16 November 2020.

‘How the activist Fed will pile more pressure on the RBA’, The Australian Financial Review, 31 August 2020.

‘China’s behaviour warrants increased scrutiny of foreign investment’, The Mandarin, 9 July 2020.

‘The US is central to this China trade quarrel’, The Canberra Times, 25 May 2020.

‘Birmingham on thin ice challenging China to take Australia to the WTO’, Australian Financial Review, 14 May 2020.

‘What COVID-19 means for Australian productivity’, CEDA Blog, 22 April 2020.

‘Coronavirus means globalisation has suffered but we must not give up on trade links’, ABC Online, 17 April 2020.

‘RBA should have followed Fed’s lead’, The 45th, 25 March 2020.

‘It’d be a mistake to shut financial markets: more than ever, we need them to work’, The Conversation, 23 March 2020.

‘RBA’s foot-dragging leaves economy dangerously exposed’, The Australian Financial Review, 5 February 2020.

‘The evidence suggests Reserve Bank rate cuts don’t hurt confidence’, The Conversation, 4 February 2020.

‘US-China trade deal is spin for Trump’s failed protectionism’, Australian Financial Review, 23 January 2020.

‘Don’t bank on US dollar demise’, The Australian Financial Review, 9 January 2020.

posted on 09 January 2020 by skirchner

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