2019 06
I have a new report out with the United States Studies Centre on Lessons from Quantitative Easing in the United States: A Guide for Australian Policymakers. It argues that the RBA could implement a smaller but more effective program of asset purchases by learning from the US Fed’s missteps.
There is a write up by John Kehoe in the AFR. There is also an op-ed version in The Conversation.
In this piece in The Mandarin, I explain why Tim Wilson MP and others are mistaken in their criticisms of QE. Opposing QE when it is needed will lead to more of the interventions Tim otherwise opposes.
Bloomberg’s Michael Heath also quotes from my report.
posted on 18 June 2019 by skirchner in Economics, Monetary Policy
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I have a piece in the USSC’s 45th on how the Federal Reserve shows that the RBA cannot ‘run out of ammunition’ and why the RBA is singularly responsible for managing aggregate demand.
posted on 06 June 2019 by skirchner in Monetary Policy
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