Working Papers

Open Australia

Open Australia is providing a useful service making information about federal parliament available on-line.  This volunteer effort often provides better information than parliament itself, as this story notes. 

Most notably, the volunteers have scanned the 1500-odd pages of the Register of Members’ Interests and made them available on-line.  Previously, this information was available only in hard copy in binders kept in Parliament House, Canberra, making it a costly exercise for members of the public to examine the Register.  It says a lot about the willingness of politicians to subject themselves to the same levels of disclosure and transparency they routinely demand of the private sector.

Unfortunately, the Register does not contain enough information to perform a study like this, showing how US Senators’ shareholdings significantly outperform the market. 

posted on 30 July 2009 by skirchner in Economics, Financial Markets, Politics

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